I have been having all kinds of trouble with this blogsite and it refusing to let me post new video's. I am trying to correct it but I have not been doing very well with that.
The first photo in this group of photos is Alec and Becky. They got married in Carmel, Iowa. The second photo is of Josh and Crista and they got married in Laurens, Iowa. Josh and Crista had their reception in the Events Center at the Clay County Fairgrounds. It was beautiful. The third photo is of Barry and Lori. They got married in Sheldon. The next photo is of Kirk and Kim and they also got married in Sheldon. Brady and Tina are next and they had their wedding in Sioux Center, Iowa. Joe and Ashley are in front of the beautiful Catholic Church in Remsen, Iowa which is where they held their wedding. Remember my opening statement about having trouble with the blogsite? Well, in the process of working on this problem, I have deleted Joe and Ashley's video so I will post it again!